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Mission and Vision

Our Mission:  Commited to Student Learning 
Staff Commitments: 
Demonstrate a personal commitment to student learning by working together to achieve common goals, guided by shared beliefs.
Support students with resources, strategies and feedback to help them be successful.
Encourage parents to become involved in the educational process.
Student Commitments:
Be a Learner
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Community Partnerships:
Play an active role in the education of their children in order to support learning, school activities and school rules. 
Help children become self-reliant, independent learners.
Teach children to accept responsibility for their own learning, decisions and behavior.
Our Vision: Our vision is based on the belief that all students can learn and that the fundamental purpose of schools is learning. 
Promoting and supporting the School's Mission and Vision Statements 
A collaborative model to improve instruction, curriculum and to help all students learn. 
Collectively seeking school-wide improvement. 
Modeling life-long learning 
Actively engaging students in learning 
Celebrating effort and achievement 
Being successful learners 
Building postive relationships 
High expectiations for achievement and behavior 
School Climate
A positive, safe learning environment 
Promoting Community partnerships and parent involvement